men and women and several retired people. Many heterosexual women live here and feel relatively safe from male 'wolves.'

"Bad publicity has come from the appearance of male prostitutes who arrive for one weekend in the year and spend all their time carrying on in the brambles, and then swishing home to dish about their exploits. We are proud of the Grove and the way it has been built up since 1948 when the Cherry Grove Arts Project was established. Here we have no racial or religious barriers as do other Fire Island communities. Nor do we preach morality to anyone. Each person must live as he chooses and sees fit. We ask only that each homosexual and heterosexual behave like a citizen first and keep his personal behavior to himself. Can anything be saner than this? | hope this sets the record straight." Yes, but it doesn't sell papers.


Radio station KFWB of Los Angeles is doing a series of programs on Sunday evenings at 11:00, when most good people are supposed to be asleep, devoted to a frank examination of the homosexual situation around Hollywood. The beginning broadcast on December 9th was not favorable in its plan or outlook, and if everyone was asleep so much the better. Al Wyman, in charge of the propram, conducted an interview with Dr. Frederick Hacker of the Hacker Foundation of Beverly Hills, a man identified as a theatre owner only, David B. Heyler, owner-publisher of the Citizen-News, 3 policemen from the Los Angeles force, and an avowed homosexual. None of the participants acquitted themselves well. Dr. Hacker explained as usual that the homosexual is sick

and is seldom curable. Dave Heyler, a man who knows next to nothing about the subject but who continues to talk the loudest about it for some very obvious reasons, gave forth with more of his viciously irresponsible diatribe that "The growth and flagrant congregation of these groups [homosexual] in Southern California is not only alarming but is obviously infiltrating all walks of life and business." Heyler believes that there should be more stringent laws not an easing of them, and that businesses that cater to the homosexual should be padlocked. He also believes that the homosexual is a security risk, etc., etc., and that ". we need teeth in our laws to enable the police to do the necessary [?] and we need judges dedicated to the protection of society instead of to this infectious type of diseased humanity." So help me! This is what the man said.

The ostensible theatre owner, apparently psychotic, was able to contribute nothing, and he could not be believed anyway under the circumstances. The police officers resorted to their usual intimations not backed up by facts. The homosexual came right out of some local bar, was not representative and was much in need of help.

As we have said, the December 9th program was not an auspicious beginning for any broadcast on the subject of homosexuality presented in this year of 1962. The series must improve. The December 16th broadcast featured well-adjusted homosexuals. will report on this and subsequent programs later . . .


But that is Hollywood, where even a pedestrian is a suspicious person-Wm. O. Douglas, Jr., actor-son of the associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, was picked up and jailed by Holly-